The Book of Bella
The Dance Ecstatic
By Dutch Chica Geisha
Bella is a real person living in The Garden of Eden in our world today. You can’t find her on social media. You find her dancing naked on the beach in Laguna. On a train In Amsterdam where she’ll tell you, “I’m on the network of the Universe.”
Bella is always dancing with her angels who she sees right here with her-- John and Yoko, Picasso, David Bowie, Mac Miller...
“I’m having a party inside my body,” she titters. Bella takes sex positivity and polyamory to a whole new level—the naked sacred. True love in deliciously curved spacetime.
“There’s so much more. Step up! We’ve got big things to do! Thank you, Donald Trump, for making me realize that I could be president! Make the world fun again! I need some presidential retreats with those men with their big nuclear thing. A woman knows how to handle that…”
“Come. Dream with me. You’re not the only one who imagines a world where we all live for today. War is over. Come dance with me.”